Sunday, August 28, 2011


Good Readers and Good Writers

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In Vladimir Nabokov "Good Readers and Good Writers" he describes good readers with few qualities. That good readers pay attention to detail and use their imaginations when they read. That good readers are rereaders and that when we read a book, we should do it with a fresh view. A new view to explore an unknown world that we have never seen before.

I agree with Nabokov that readers should read a book with no expectations or agenda. That your own personal bias can alter what the author is trying to say. That the author's tone should come through first above preconceived notions. In some ways destroying the world or words being put forth on paper.

I do believe that I am a good reader. I always try to keep an open mind when it comes to stories even ones that I'm not particularly fond of. I try to see their point of view as if I was in their shoes, to understand where they were coming from.