Sunday, November 20, 2011


John Winchester

English 102

Mrs. Cline

Novemeber 19, 2011

Review of Critique: The Zombie Film and it’s Cycles

In the article The Zombie Film and it’s Cycles the author 
makes references to Zombies representing death and fear in a post 9/11 world. The film industry’s sudden increase in Zombie films after the attacks on 9/11 are a direct correlation to a fear that had spread through the country that we, Americans, are not safe in our own homes. The author makes a point to say that many of the films it’s a disease brought on by a malicious scientists and warmongering generals that leads to the worlds populations becoming zombies, or undead. Zombies represent Americans after the attack, willing to go along with with whatever decisions are being made to make us feel safe again. 
The Zombie films that came out over the years have been wildly successful. A reason given by the author is that we have a fascination with Zombie’s because they were once human. Dawn of the Dead, Resident Evil, Zombieland have all become horror/cult classics, the satirical side of zombie films and the more serious philosophical films are both drawing in crowds. As long as zombie films are being made people with come in droves to see them and the analogies and comparisons to people as masses and proletariat will continue.

CDC warns of Zombie Apocalypse

1 comment:

  1. John, I think you did a very good job at summarizing this article, Job well done. I actually had a tough time getting thru the whole article. It was a very boring read to me!
