Sunday, November 6, 2011


Romero, George, Dir. Night of the Living Dead. 1968. Film.

This film is base of my research on zombies. George Romero film reinvented zombies into a massive hoard of the undead that is highly contagious. He created a new genre by used zombies stress in a way to stress the human dynamics. He also used zombies to reflect social problems in American culture.

Lowenstein, Adam.: "Living dead: fearful attractions of film."
Representations (110) 2010, 105-28. (2010)

I use this as a secondary resource, even though the first half of it talks about the history of horror in film. It does goes in to deep detail of George Romero's Dead series. It exposes underlining themes in those movie, especial about American culture and how zombies are symbolize as the force that threatens American culture.

Pulliam, June: "Our Zombies, Ourselves: Exiting the Foucauldian Universe in George A. Romero's Land of the Dead"
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts (20:1) 2009, 42-56,156. (2009)

This article is quite different from the rest, it talks mainly about George Romero's Land of the Dead. How survivors after the zombie apocalyptic still hold on to some sort of class separation. The author gives multiple view about class struggle with the surviving humans and how zombies are freed from it. A lot of the subject discusses post 9/11 event, like dealing with the war in Iraq and another view how President George W. Bush's administration handled with 9/11.

Bishop, Kyle William.: "American zombie gothic: the rise and fall (and rise) of the walking dead in popular culture. Foreword by Jerrold E. Hogle."
Jefferson, NC; London: McFarland, 2010. pp. Vii, 239. (2010)

This is my best secondary source and ironical it is a upcoming assignment for this class. It review the history of zombies in film and pop culture. While also giving great example of zombies reflecting societies problems. A lot of the material descusses about societies fears through out each decade and how the zombie movies reflect them.

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