Sunday, October 30, 2011

The attack of the Zombies!

I am excited to do option #2, I think it would be a lot of fun researching monsters and to look for a deeper meaning behind them. My favorite monster are zombies, they really don't seem any amazing talents like werewolves or vampires, but what they do have is deep hunger for flesh and they multiple fast. I have already started researching and been looking into George Romero's Night of the Living Dead series. What I thought was funny is when he made Night of the Living Dead back in 1968, he did as way to mock the hippie movement. How the hippie movement was consuming conservative America at the time. Most the time when I see a zombie flick, I usually think it is about the character's development in the hopeless struggle for survive. This time I hope to accomplish a deeper message behind the masses of zombies. To look past the surface and be able to analyze connection between zombies and society. My text seem limited to short stories, but I am gong to read The Undead and see if I convey any useful information.

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