Sunday, October 23, 2011

Midterm check in

Dear Mrs. Cline,
I would like to say that I really enjoy your class. Doing an English class online definitely has its strengths. It's very convenient, I do most of my work late at night when my kids are asleep. Also I can rewind any of the videos and lectures, if there was something I misunderstood. The material we are reading is great. I never had an English class were I analyzed poetry; most of my previous classes in high school would summarize a poem. I never did analysis on a poem beforehand, but I really enjoyed it and I had fun reading other people's analysis over the same poem. It is amazing how we can look at a piece of literature and observe something deeper then the surface of the text. I believe that why Frankenstein pulled me in. The story was very amazing and imaginative. The descriptiveness of the scenery was amazing, but what drew me in the most was the emotions of the characters. The constant guilt of Victor, how he feel blamed for letting such a creation loose upon the world, how it haunted his every thought. The best character was the fiend, the story he tells of his birth, survival, and how he learn to communicate. I felt pity for him, how he craved friendship, but he's constantly cursed by his appearance, driven into loneliness and hate. What affected me the most about the story was the concept of be careful what you create. Even if you created a living being, you still have to care and nurture it. Kind of like a child, you don't bring a baby into this world and just carelessly abandon it. Believing that your actions would have no repercussions, also that your conscious would be clear.
My biggest challenge I have in this class is time management. I'm constantly struggling to keep up with the work. Just recently I had a lot of personal issues that occurred and it has put me behind in all my school work. Now I'm fighting to stay above water and score high in the class. “C'est la vie” It is life, I know I'll survive it and over come it.
The goals I have set for the class is that I want to strive to get an A. English has always been a hard subject for me and I won't settle for less then an A for the class. I definitely want to improve my grammar and continue to expand my vocabulary. What I would like improve the most, is how I conclude my essays. I feel that a conclusion can make or break an essay. bringing everything in at last paragraph to prove your thesis. To persuade your audience and to have them validate your opinion. That would be my ultimate goal for this class.

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