Sunday, October 2, 2011

Double Vision on Revision....

       When revising a piece of my own writing I find myself often not seeing the grammar mistakes but narrowing in on the content. The questions I am hoping to answer are did I stay on topic? Did I support my thesis? Did I get the reader sidetracked? Does it flow? Then most importantly if I hadn't written this would I like it. Most often I ask another to read and critique my papers, to give an unbiased opinion of my work. If all the questions are answered with a Yes from both myself and the critic then I know I have done a good job and it is worthy of being published. If not, then I know I need to head back to the drawing board and start deconstructing my paper to sort out flaws and amend my thesis. 

      When all else fails, have an English major read it.A great guide to rewriting prose


  1. Hello John,
    I like the method you use to personally revise your own paper. You ask yourself many questions that help develop a proper paper and you pointed out when all the answers end with "yes" that you feel your paper in finished. That is a good method when breaking down a paper and knowing when it's done to the best of its ability.

  2. I agree, I ask myself similar questions if I am revising, which honestly doesn't happen too often. But I like that you have outside help. I like that you actually have someone else read and review to give you insight on how to improve your writing. Like you said it is unbiased, which is probably the most honest as far as critiquing and revising are concerned.

  3. Hey John! Yea i agree with you i also hope to get those answers when i get my draft back. I also try to get random people to read my essays as though my friend might just tell me its fine another person might tell me otherwise. So yea i agree and i hope you get a good grade on your essay.

  4. HI John,

    I try to have someone read my writing as well when it comes to getting a critic's point of view. For Essay #2 are you going to revise what you wrote? Will you have to do a lot? I have to revise my opening paragraph to come up with a sentence that really grabs the reader in the introduction and then tie together what the language says about the poem. What do you have to do in your essay as far as the introduction and the body?

